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Maria King Presentation Primary School, Limerick, Ireland


2020/2021 School Year

31st May 2021
Well done everyone.  I hope you are enjoying Mathletics.  Have you tried...
30th May 2021
Some of our Fourth and Fifth Class girls took part in a project for Mary Immaculate...
28th May 2021
Well done to Sophia who was the top contributor of maths jokes last week.  ...
27th May 2021
1st/ 2nd class have been revising their genres over the last few weeks. Here...
24th May 2021
Ms Tobin's 5th class experimented with clay over the last 2 weeks creating these...
24th May 2021
Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying your Mathletics activities this week.  ...
22nd May 2021
Hello everyone, Thank you for sending on all the maths jokes :-)  Here are...
21st May 2021
This week, 3rd Class experimented with making circuits using batteries, bulbs and...
17th May 2021
This week all the teachers are on a 'school trip' to the top corridor to check out...
16th May 2021
Hello everyone, have you any maths jokes to share? I would love to hear them. Email...