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Maria King Presentation Primary School, Limerick, Ireland

Parental Wellbeing

Welcome to our Parental Wellbeing page. We are so aware of the impact that CovId 19 is having on all of us and our mental health. We think it is important that we take time away from the news and do things that keep us busy and make us feel better. We hope to update this section of the website with ideas to help our parent community. Remember, you are not alone, we are all in this together! Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine! 

Parental Wellbeing News

2nd Feb 2021
Hello everyone, now that Spring has arrived you might be thinking of a socially distanced...
27th Nov 2020
Everyone was so excited and happy to receive their Toy Show pyjamas today in Presentation...
27th Nov 2020
We are part of the TEAL project.  Here is a nice video shared by Livia T-Rex...